This year, avoid having to hide behind an ugly sweater by adding some new, healthy holiday dishes to your list of traditions
The holiday season definitely can't start without a Pumpkin Pie Spice Latte and Christmas decorations going on sale in September. As Thanksgiving approaches we start to take out the Turkey towels in the kitchen and breaking out the Betty Crocker cookbook with folded pages of heirloom recipes. These recipes have become of the gospel of the holidays and the butter on our thighs.

Looking at the butter and carbs that goes into these recipes from now until the last Christmas cookie is consumed, it's no wonder that by the time January rolls around the rolls we see in the mirror have suddenly multiplied.
The good news is, it's not too late to add some healthy alternatives to your holiday party buffets. I've offered some great alternative recipes in my blog post that are not only low-carb, but plant based as well. Filling your plate with plant-based vitamins and protein will reduce the sluggish holiday regret and fill you up before the pumpkin pie and whipped cream hit the table. Whole grain carbohydrates will help eliminate the energy peaks and valleys and keep you awake during the annual Cowboys game even though uncle Ted is snoring after the first quarter

Fun Calorie Facts
Here's a little comparison of a traditional holiday recipe dish calories are compared to a healthy alternative
Traditional Bread Stuffing: 356 calories per cup and 43g of carbs
Butternut Squash Stuffing: 82 calories and 21g of carbs
Mashed Potatoes with butter and cream: 237 calories and 35g of carbs
Cauliflower Mashed with Avocado Oil: 80 calories and 7g of carbs
Sweet Potatoes, Brown Sugar, Marshmallows and diabetes: 357 calories and 48g carbs
Sweet Potatoes with Avocado & Cipollini Onions: 147 calories and 26g carbs
